Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Internship 8

What characteristics and qualities do you see in the people at your internship that you'd like to develop in yourself? Some of these qualities and characteristics could be creativity, empathy, risk-taking, ambitiousness, honesty, fairness, and so on. There are so many qualities and characteristics that people could have, so look around and think of a few good ones that you see in the people you work with.
At my internship, everybody seems friendly to each other, as if they know how to talk to each other professionally but casually at the same time. That's something I'd like to learn how to do, because I don't want to sound sloppy talking, but I don't want to sound intimidating by being to professional. Not to mention the way that they dress. I see sanuks and pants worn quite often, but in a way that it still looks as if they're going to work and not lounging around home. The way they match their casual clothes and make them professional, as if it's a quality you inherit by being in the office.

What new appreciations (for who? of what?) have you gained through internship that you did not have before? How did you develop these appreciations?
I think I have a new appreciation for computers after going to this internship. That may sound strange, but I think it took as long as waiting until he whole office hit the pause button for 10 minutes while the server went down. The server had everything and anything that the office needed in order to produce a weekly newspaper in time. Also, an office worker told me a story about how newspaper offices were 30 years ago, before computers were commonly used. She explained the process of manually putting lines and formats into the papers and it sounded dreadful.
So, I'd have to say my newfound appreciation lies in computers for now.

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