Saturday, January 9, 2010

Internship 2

What have you actively done to start off on the right note?
What have you actively done to create interesting opportunities for yourself?
What have you actively done to advance the interests of your mentor and/or site?
What can you do in the immediate future to improve yourself and your experience in the above areas?
At the beginning of internship, I made sure to bring in the proper materials to start myself off on the right note, such as notebook and pen, camera (for photography), and a folder full necessary papers needed for internship. I greeted everyone I met with a smile and my name, and when they talked to me I'd give them my eye contact, which hopefully gave them a good impression of myself.
So far during internship, I've taken part in going around La Jolla, following my mentor and other staff doing their jobs by performing interviews, doing research at the La Jolla Historical Society, and even watching how ads are placed in the weekly newspaper. Whenever a task or interview comes up and I am asked to do it, I take it, as it can lead me to interesting places, and already I've met interesting people.
At one point during the day, my mentor invited me to shadow her in an interview with a businessman. Although this interview sounds formal, the way she started the interview off was friendly and much different than how I thought it would go. The two discussed happenings in the daily life before going on to ask questions, which confused me. Afterwards, she told me that it's good to create a connection with the interviewee to make it seem less intimidating. Little things like these give me an idea how a reporter for the LJ Light, or any newspaper for that matter, is successful.

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