Monday, January 25, 2010

Internship 12

1: Documenting

Over there ---->

2: Writing

The amount of people I work with per day can vary depending on the day. It depends if I am staying at the office and doing office work all day or if I'm out and about La Jolla, doing interviews and taking pictures.

"How many people are indirectly affected by your work?"

The work done here at San Diego Suburban News could affect everyone in the world if their homepages were set on ours. It's impossible to estimate how many people could be affected by my work since I can't count how many people read the La Jolla Light newspaper on a weekly basis, or how many check the website. So, I'll just say whoever decides to read the La Jolla Light and sees a photo that I took that is in an article will be affected in some way.

"Describe your direct collaboration with others—how does it go & how does it influence the work?"

At a newspaper office, there has to be a lot of collaboration in order to get work done orderly and correctly. If there is an issue, or I need someone's opinion on a story or photo, I will ask them to proofread it. I believe I've helped at the office in a way, too. At one point, my mentor Kathy Day gave me a rough draft of the newspaper that would come out the next day. She told me to find any errors in spelling, grammar, etc. I didn't find any errors in that field, however, looking closer at one of the articles, I saw a person I knew in a picture. However, under the picture, they had captioned his name wrong. Even though it wasn't that big of a deal, I was able to catch a small mistake, which must've benefited the newspaper that much.

Describe your indirect impact on others through your work—there are probably many people you never actually see who are affected by your work. How does this happen? How does this influence your work?

As I said, working at a newspaper office, there will be plenty of people that read our work that we have never seen. There's no way to monitor how many people actually sit down and read the whole newspaper every week. This influences our work because it reminds that complete strangers to us, personally, are trusting us with providing them correct information about what's happening around their neighborhood.

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