Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Writing Reflection

At the beginning of the year I found it difficult to create leads and endings to my writing pieces. I had always felt that I had strong content to put in (albeit a tad jumbled) but I could never find a way to pull a reader in or lead a reader out without making me feel awkward about writing the whole piece in general. An example of such would be my "Desert Solitaire" question writing, which I did back in December, which would be here. The essay begins abruptly and ends with a statement that could've been explained much clearer. During my internship, I presented this problem to my mentor. I watched her create ledes and endings for some short articles she had requested I finish. I was able to see what structure an ending should have to finish the writing piece strong, crisp and clear, with a thought in your head. I found that my ending for Ampersand was presented stronger and at the same time satirical.

A goal for my writing in the future would be for my side to be presented stronger. In my ampersand piece, I didn't exactly take too much of a side. An example of this would be my Ampersand piece. While I do find that I had a strong article, I found myself not really taking a side, instead presenting both sides. As Randy always says, there is no such thing as an unbiased piece of writing, so my attempt to create a piece explaining the pros and cons of 2 opposing concepts, and it may have looked like I didn't exactly know what I was writing about. Also, I would like to have more of a smooth transition between different ideas. An example of this is here.

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