Monday, June 14, 2010

Honors Essay - Literary Reflections

If you could bring one character from any one book that we have read this year with you when you go to college, who would bring? Why?

If I had to go to college with a character from a book we've read, I would choose a Tralfamadorian from Slaughterhouse 5. I wouldn't choose any Tralfamadorian in particular, just the first one I pick. They're friendly, or so I've heard (more like read), so they wouldn't mind accompanying me. I wouldn't need it as a roommate, since it could easily blend into my bathroom as a plunger (well, for the most part). The far superior sight of this Tralfamadorian could predict for me which questions would be on any exam I'd take during my time at college, giving me an advantage for studying. As Kurt Vonnegut once explained, these Tralfamadorians had much to teach about time to us inferior earthlings, giving me the oppurtunity to see beyond what I've been given.

The Tralfamadorians' philosophies are some to live by too. For example, their philosophy of death is one to keep you thinking. They believe that death is just a "hard time in a person's life," meaning that they are still alive and well in other places and time. Surely, their words would have an impact of some sort while I am stressing over myclasses.

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