Thursday, June 17, 2010

Semester Reflection P2

What is the greatest challenge facing your generation? What will be necessary to address it?
I believe that the greatest challenge facing my generation would be technology mutilating social norms. With social networking and college/schools developing online with the same benefits as a normal school, people will be kept in their houses, confined to a computer screen. To address this would be reconsidering online schooling and perhaps giving a limit to those who can and can't attend online schooling, i.e. those with low budget who need to work and don't have time to school. However, a certain number of hours in a schooling environment should be required for graduates.

Describe your vision for yourself in pursuing higher education.
I plan to attend a 4 year college and major in either international business or international affairs, with a minor in the Chinese language. I'd also like to study media arts and graphic design.

What is a quality in a classmate that you would like to develop in yourself?
A quality in classmates that I've worked with would be to gain leadership abilities, since in groups, I tend to be more of a follower. I would like to be a leader to easily share my ideas and have a thought that people are hearing them.

Beyond grades, what motivates you to work hard at school?
I am motivated by the thought of college, and through high school classes which subconsciously teach how to take notes and learn how to manage your time with assignments. This is especially important in college, since there is notably a lot of work that you are expected to know how to deal with when you get there. Not to mention, what you do in high school greatly changes your chances of getting into whatever college you're interested in, so that's a motivation too.

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