Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Blog 16 -- MSB Stuffs and things

Brent Springer
Brent's idea was to create a documentary for the project. He included a website, surfermag, to further expand knowledge of environmental issues at the beach.
What i learned from this is that there are pros of sewage spills. I'm not too sure as to what these are, but I guess he can enlihten me more on this.

Daniel Mahmud
Daniel's idea was to have a slideshow. The slideshow consists of photography from different points of the beach. This is a diverse take on the project, as it takes on a perspective from all points.

Marcus Alexander'

Marcus thought that a photo essay was a good idea for the project. He uses last year's Junior Yoselin Lopez's project as an example: She took many photos and did an essay explaining each. From this I learned that it's good to take previous junior's ideas and recreate them to the point where it's original, but not copying it all.

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