Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blog #13: Industrialization and Coastal Environments

In the Oil spill of 1993, estimated 330,000 gallons of oil spilled onto the shores of Florida. 13 miles of beach and shores were affected by this spill. Not to mention a fire that added to the spill, which burnt for 18 consecutive hours. A large amount of marine life was affected.

This prompt mainly included how people were affected by the spill (i.e., how BUSINESSES and BEACHES were affected, not MARINE LIFE and HABITATS affected).

A part of this story that wasn't clarified was how this spill was cleaned, or how it even started. Did a truck tip over and spill all the oil into the ocean (unlikely)?

A way to follow up this prompt would be answering these questions, along with questions already answered (but maybe in your own words).


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