Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blog #5: Photography Techniques

The picture that I will be duplicating from Andy Warhol's photography is this picture. The picture consists of his white face (with his hair going in different directions) with a pitch black background. His hair, white, blends into the background at the ends and the edges of the picture. There is a lot of contrast in this picture, since it mainly consists of the whitest of whites and the blackest black. Therefore, a lot of overexposure and underexposure is needed. The portrait is posed portrait, dead on. Therefore the following techniques are needed.

1. Overexposure and Underexposure
Overexposure is a photography technique that makes the photograph a lot brighter, especially the whites. Underexposure is a lack of light in a photography, meaning a darker image.

2. Posed Portraits
Posed portraits are portraits that are posed (obviously), opposed to action shots. It can take hours for a portrait to be posed correctly. Sometimes, posed portraits include the subjects of the photo to be staring straight at the camera, other times looking at other subjects in the shot.

3. Contrast
Contrast is a style used to create a sort of clash between the dark darks and light lights, or sharp colors on the opposite ends of the spectrum.

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