Thursday, February 18, 2010

S2, blog 6

The preacher that Joad meets
"Lead 'em around and around. Sling 'em in the irrigation ditch. Tell 'em they'll burn in hell if they don't think like you."

"I went off alone, and I sat and figured. The sperit's strong in me, on'y it ain't the same."

"I says to myself, 'What's gnawin at you? is it the screwin'?' An' I says, 'No, it's the sin.' An' I says, 'Why is it that when a fella ought to be just about mule-ass proof against sin, an all full up of Jesus, why is it that's the time a fella gets fingerin' his pants buttons?' I says, 'Maybe it ain't a sin. Maybe it's just the way folks is. Maybe we been whippin' the hell out of ourselves for nothin'."

Most of the chapter where Tom Joad meets the preacher are all dialogue of the preacher that explain himself as a character. He was once a preacher, but found out that perhaps God isn't real, and the holy "sperit" is just one in himself, opposed to some holy ghost. These quotes are three of many exerpts from his dialogue.

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