Monday, November 2, 2009

Blog #19 Critiquing a professional video

1. This video shows a clear message, clearly detailed and even explains what is happening in Africa, and how we can help (by donating).

2. There is really dirty water in Africa, and the water is too deep down underground to get out cheaply. Money needs to be donated to drill down and get the water for thousands of people.

3. American citizens maybe, because the words are in English and the vintage video in the beginning is an American one. Also an American website at the end.

4. It shows various pictures of the water that people in Africa are drinking, compared to pictures of clean water they could be drinking.

5. They used stop motion animation at one point. It shows a little boy "drilling" into the water and then coming up with a clean glass of water. This technique doesn't really have a point except for maybe humor or some sort of symbolism I can't really describe.

6. This work sample is different from the other works i've seen before. It included vintage videos, just music as the audio, stop motion animation, and cheery videos in Africa that you'd think would have a dark impact.

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